Culture and Climate

Culture and Climate Survey Results: As part of the survey that the Middle School and High School students completed - they were asked the questions in the graphic. The question did not ask if they student completing the survey were harassed, bullied, using drugs/alcohol or fighting - it asked if they believed it was a problem in the district. We believe that having our SRO in the buildings and talking to students helps with all of these perceptions by students. Students can report issues with bullying, harassment, physical fighting or drug/alcohol use by students to the SRO at any time. They can also report issues to our building counselors and our building administrators. If your student wants to visit with someone about one of these perceptions, we also have mental health providers on campus weekly who can talk to students. The district believes all students and staff should feel safe at school every day. Please reach out to your building counselor if you have a question. In both our Middle School and our High School, programs are offered to help with drug and alcohol use prevention. Lessons are taught each year on bullying prevention. Our goal is that 100% of our students proud to attend Maries Co. R 2 Schools.